Summer Jam: Studio 24

Contact Improvisation – Politics – Somactivism

Three curated weeks of dance, study, jams, labs

29th July-18 August 2024

Studio 24 is CI gathering, it is a research, it is a study, it is a rest, it is a dance, it is a being together, it is a long jam:
from dawn to late night, two studios, a dance deck outside, a luscious forest and river, 25 to 50 people and some dedicated dancing.
Workshops in the mornings, laboratories in the afternoon, spontaneous reading groups, collective writings, creation. jams all day every day. This “study” comes from the necessity to deeply question and situate politically our dance practice. Exchange and experiment on how life matters to dance and dance contains all the complexity of our daily being in the world. We try to engage some critical questions and situations of our cells, bodies, societies, worlds their entanglements, their difficulties, their love, their wars, their improvisation.
Three weeks -three themes
Each week plunges into a specific theme facilitated by a team of thinkers/movers that will bring their research, curation, care, guidance sometimes.
July 29th-August 4th CREATURES : queering ci
(Emma Bigé, Defne Erdur, Marcela Corvalan)
August 5th -11th Contact improvisation and War
(Inna Falkova, Rabeah Murkos, Ines Pérez-Wilke, Peter Pleyer)
August 12th-18th Dancing with the trouble: ecological response ability
(Olive Bieringa, Doerte Weig, Violeta Salvatiera)
Registration is open!!!
1) Fill up the form-remplissez le formulaire:
Practical info:
We can welcome about 40 participants. Accommodation will be available in shared rooms/dormitories as well as the camping space (or your own truck).
The price of the event includes studio space, evening classes, lodging and all the food necessary for the preparation of the meals. We will prepare the meals as a group and we will collectively take care of the life and the spaces (cleaning etc..).
Arrival on monday (late afternoon shuttle to train station)
Departure sunday (morning shuttle to train station)
Price: General price is 48.3€- 55€ a day = 290€-330€ for the week, including food, housing and access to studios and all activities (see budget below).
DOBST‧NOTAFLOF (Doing Our Best So That No One’s Turned Away For Lack of Funds): You may ask for gratuity or a reduced price (no justification needed) upon registration. If the functioning cost of the event is paid for, Larret will give away free and reduced-price spots. If you need financial help to get to Larret, please let us know.
LOMTSOFLOF (Leaving Our Money To SomeOne Lacking of Funds): You may give more money so as to help others to get reduced pricing.
23 Impasse du Chalard, Larret – Saint Saud Lacoussière 24470

Since June 2020 Larret is a place of collective life, creation and hosting where projects around dance, farming, cooking, building, thinking are developed in their ecological dimension. An eco-somatic place for those who live there and those who come, dancers, researchers, philosophers, craftsmen, the curious…

Accessibility and life on the land

The studios and collective space are 25 minutes by car from the nearest train station (a shuttle will be in place). The studios, collective dining areas, showers and dry toilets are not wheelchair accessible, and the circulation paths are a mix of dirt and pebbles. There are stairs to access the three-people bedrooms and the 10-people dormitory, but not the studios. From the studios, the river is a 15 minutes walk through the forest, with sometimes steep paths.

Larret-en-Mouvement is a collectively run space on a land that is privately owned by two self-identified cis straight white men. The land is stewarded by a (majority-white, majority-queer) collective and involves dancing, gardening, building, cooking food, and engaging in group-decision training.

Surrounding the studios is a forest, a small part of which is privately owned (not by us), and the most part of which is stewarded by the Parc naturel régional du Périgord Vert. Downhill, the river Dronne runs amid volcanic rocks and regional trees. Its stream and banks are public spaces, although there’s a large part that is seldom visited by locals or tourists. Nudity has been known to happen at the river, please check with your neighbors if that’s okay with them (coz consent is beautiful)!

[Transparency on budget spending]

  • 2900€ renting of studios & land (* the land that is hosting us was purchased in 2020 and is still under construction, and loans are still being reimbursed to banks; part of the daily price goes to this, as well as to the functioning costs for electricity, water, gas (=450€)…) 
  • 2100€ food (* including cook salaries)
  • 1500€ logistics (* including salaries for Larret’s logistical team, emailing, etc.)
    • 1400€ facilitation (* including salaries + transport + food for (4) facilitators)

    = 7800€

    This amounts to 314€/person (if 25 people register).

    Brought down to a ratio per person per day, this means: approx. on average 53€/per/day, of which

    20€ go to renting spaces (38%)
    14€ go to food (27%)
    9,5€ go to logistics (18%)
    10€ go to facilitators (17%)

Any extra money will go to reduce the pricing or helping for transportation for those needing it.