—Français en bas—
Somatics & Butoh workshop
“From spinal liquid to Hydrofeminism”
“We ourselves are sea, sands, corals, seaweeds, beaches, tides, swimmers, children,
waves… seas and mothres”
Hélène Cixous and Catherine Clément
With Fil Pasquali & Franzi Gerth
APril 10th to 14th
In those four days workshop we propose a sensual and critical research on our liquidity. We dive into our spinal fluid combining practices inspired by BMC and Continuum, and reemerge from our sensation to improvise following what butoh dance can teach us about the relation between surface and depth.
An important part of the work is also dedicated to the political aspect of dance. We use the art of movement to establish a different relationship with words and concepts, to let the flesh read and listen.We are specifically working, deconstructing, reconstructing, dancing and exploring new ways of reading in a serious playfulness.
Through a crossing of disciplines such as Butoh, somatics and contact improvisation, anthropology and poetry we intend to play with the liminal possibilities of performance, as well as with extended scores to allow a deeper questioning of ourselves in interaction with the environment and its unobtrusive perspectives. Improvisation and dance call for a political and irrational attempt to perceive and rediscuss our ecologies and affects.
4h of morning practice:
training- postural excercises- somatics- butoh elements
2h afternoon laboratory:
self and group research- debates- perfomance
4h of morning practice:
training- postural excercises- somatics- butoh elements
2h afternoon laboratory:
self and group research- debates- perfomance
– Practical Info:
Arrival in Thiviers (train station closer to Larret) on 10/4 around 7pm*.
Departure 15/4 in the morning*.
Departure 15/4 in the morning*.
*(a shuttle will be provided, included in the price of the course: the exact time will be checked with the needs of the group)
Where: Larret, Saint Saud Lacoussière
Info and Registration: reversed.dances@proton.me
Sliding scale price (pedagogy 6h a day, food and lodging): 380-430€
Sliding scale price pedagogy only: 210-250 €
(vegetarian cooking from local products).
Sliding scale price pedagogy only: 210-250 €
(vegetarian cooking from local products).
*Each participant will be asked to help with the management of the common life (cleaning etc.), counting on a task of 15 to 45 minutes per day.
Stage de Somatique & Butoh
« Du liquide céphalo-rachidien à l’hydroféminisme »
« Du liquide céphalo-rachidien à l’hydroféminisme »
“Nous sommes nous meme la mer, le sable, le corail, les algues, les plages, le marée, les nageuse, les enfants,
les vagues… les océans et les mères.”
Hélène Cixous et Catherine Clément
les vagues… les océans et les mères.”
Hélène Cixous et Catherine Clément
Dans ce stage nous proposons une recherche sensuelle et critique sur notre liquidité. Nous plongeons dans notre liquide céphalo-rachidien en combinant des pratiques inspirées du BMC et du Continuum, et nous émergeons de nos sensations pour improviser en suivant ce que la danse butoh peut nous apprendre sur la relation entre la surface et la profondeur.
Une partie importante du travail est également consacrée à l’aspect politique de la danse. Nous utilisons l’art du mouvement pour établir une relation différente avec les mots et les concepts, pour laisser la chair lire et écouter.
Au cours de ces journées, nous travaillons, déconstruisons, reconstruisons, dansons en explorant de nouvelles façons de le lire dans un esprit ludique et sérieux.
Au cours de ces journées, nous travaillons, déconstruisons, reconstruisons, dansons en explorant de nouvelles façons de le lire dans un esprit ludique et sérieux.
En croisant des disciplines telles que le Butoh, les somatiques et le contact improvisation, l’anthropologie et la poésie, nous avons l’intention de jouer avec les possibilités liminales de la performance, ainsi qu’avec des partitions étendues pour permettre un questionnement plus profond de nous-mêmes en interaction avec l’environnement et ses perspectives discrètes. L’improvisation et la danse appellent à une tentative politique et irrationnelle de percevoir et de rediscuter nos écologies et nos affects.
4h de pratique matinale:
entrainement- gymnastique posturale- somatiques- élément de butoh
2h de laboratoire l’aprés-midi :
recherche individuelle et groupale- débats et partages- performance
4h de pratique matinale:
entrainement- gymnastique posturale- somatiques- élément de butoh
2h de laboratoire l’aprés-midi :
recherche individuelle et groupale- débats et partages- performance
Info pratiques:
Arrivée à Thiviers (gare plus proche de Larret) le 10/4 vers 19h*.
Départ le 15/4 dans la matinée*.
*(une navette sera mise en place, incluse dans le prix du stage : l’horaire exact sera vérifié en fonction des besoins du groupe).
Départ le 15/4 dans la matinée*.
*(une navette sera mise en place, incluse dans le prix du stage : l’horaire exact sera vérifié en fonction des besoins du groupe).
Informations et inscriptions : reversed.dances@proton.me
Prix fourchette entre (pédagogie 6h par jour, nourriture et hébergemnt): 380€ et 430€
Prix fourchette seuelement pédagogie: 210- 260€
(cuisine végétarienne à base de produits locaux).
Prix fourchette seuelement pédagogie: 210- 260€
(cuisine végétarienne à base de produits locaux).
*Il sera demandé à chaque participant d’aider à la gestion de la vie commune (ménage etc.), à raison d’une tâche de 15 à 45 minutes par jour
Fil’s (they/them) bio
I see identity as a study of multiplicity. I am a dancer, anthropologist, cook, skipper, apprentice mason, activist, poet and a gardener. I calibrate my artistic work to apprehend the eco-social falls and flaws of the planet we inhabit together, in a confluence of flesh, poetry and politics. I live in Larret, a place of collective living and research in dance, somatics, relationship to the earth-matter (crafting,cooking, cultivating), alternative pedagogies. Filippo and Franziska recently co-founded the Reversed dance company .
The resources, methods, techniques that accompany me and shape my practices are: butoh, contact improvisation, somatics (BMC, Alexander Technique, authentic movement), books and the minds that write them. I thank and name some of the people who have influenced my body: M-T Sitzia, Matthieu Gaudeau, Asaf Bachrach, Moeno Wakamtsu, Masaki Iwana, Atsushi Takenouchi and Hiroko Komia, Minako Seki, Imre Thormann.
Fil’s (they/them) bio
I see identity as a study of multiplicity. I am a dancer, anthropologist, cook, skipper, apprentice mason, activist, poet and a gardener. I calibrate my artistic work to apprehend the eco-social falls and flaws of the planet we inhabit together, in a confluence of flesh, poetry and politics. I live in Larret, a place of collective living and research in dance, somatics, relationship to the earth-matter (crafting,cooking, cultivating), alternative pedagogies. Filippo and Franziska recently co-founded the Reversed dance company .
The resources, methods, techniques that accompany me and shape my practices are: butoh, contact improvisation, somatics (BMC, Alexander Technique, authentic movement), books and the minds that write them. I thank and name some of the people who have influenced my body: M-T Sitzia, Matthieu Gaudeau, Asaf Bachrach, Moeno Wakamtsu, Masaki Iwana, Atsushi Takenouchi and Hiroko Komia, Minako Seki, Imre Thormann.
Franzi’s (she/her, they/them) bio
Born in the far echoes of the GDR, I noticed quiet early that nothing is as it seems. Things that seem to have passed, continued through the memory of my body, or the memory of other bodies. I can still sense years of repression through the force of the state in the way I walk. Hush. Use language.
By the time, it turned me into an unsettled, curious mind and activist. Deeply interested in the riddle of existence and the need of social- ecological transformation,I started weaving a web connecting dance, alternative pedagogy and political activism.
My dance practice is rooted in the principles of Butoh, which I consider a practice of listening to the in-between, of standing at the edge of the visible and invisible world. A place, where all oppositions can finally meet and conversate. Where we can sense the proximity of qualities and the beauty and necessity of difference. A place to inquire what it means to be « human ».
I thankfully carry the influence of Minako Seki, Atsushi Takenouchi, Maruska Ronchi, Motoya Kondo, Tiziana Longo, Yuko Kaseki, Eva Leemans and Enrico Paglialunga in my body. My practice is also informed by Continuum Movement as an somatic practice, Contemporary Dance and martial arts.
Born in the far echoes of the GDR, I noticed quiet early that nothing is as it seems. Things that seem to have passed, continued through the memory of my body, or the memory of other bodies. I can still sense years of repression through the force of the state in the way I walk. Hush. Use language.
By the time, it turned me into an unsettled, curious mind and activist. Deeply interested in the riddle of existence and the need of social- ecological transformation,I started weaving a web connecting dance, alternative pedagogy and political activism.
My dance practice is rooted in the principles of Butoh, which I consider a practice of listening to the in-between, of standing at the edge of the visible and invisible world. A place, where all oppositions can finally meet and conversate. Where we can sense the proximity of qualities and the beauty and necessity of difference. A place to inquire what it means to be « human ».
I thankfully carry the influence of Minako Seki, Atsushi Takenouchi, Maruska Ronchi, Motoya Kondo, Tiziana Longo, Yuko Kaseki, Eva Leemans and Enrico Paglialunga in my body. My practice is also informed by Continuum Movement as an somatic practice, Contemporary Dance and martial arts.