Merging with the universe
- Merging with the universe” Butoh workshop avec Maruska Ronchi 23-26 Juin
Butoh is a dance of transformation. It is a profound work on personal identity to find your own deep, authentic and original being, until it is dissolved and we become a flow of energy, a substance in movement that is constantly being transformed.
Life is this continuous flow of energy of which we are a part, everything is movement, everything is constantly changing. And we are part of this. If we recognize it, feel it, and dance it, we will be amazed and surprised by that. Dance is the magic of life. Dance is our means to celebrate life in all its aspects and in all its forms, a means to transform our emotions, to understand and accept them, to understand and accept what happens to us and around us, a form of appreciation and gratitude. We will research the original part of the dance. In ancient times dance was a prayer, a ritual, a riutal of devotion to nature, a celebration of life. Dance as an expression of the universe, where the fusion of body and spirit takes place. Dance as a magical ritual that allows us to get in touch with the “subtle worlds”. Dance as metamorphosis.
This workshop offer a space to research in movement, in physical and emotional level, a space to research develop our own butoh dance. The work will start with a body training intended to release extra-tensions in our body and allow the energy to circulate inside the body, in order to find more fluid and organic mouvement, without useless effort. This will then help us to activate the energy and power that we can put in our dance.
We will focus on breathing work, movement connected to the breathing, and how to move the energy inside the body and around it. Connecting inside with outside. Working on the state of presence. Practicing dance improvisation with imagery guidance, continuously researching new possibilities of expression, breaking old patterns and find new surprising way to move.
We will practice indoor in beautiful studio and outdoor, dancing with wonderful nature. It’s open to all people with different kind of artistic and life experience.
info and reservations: